
The Mayor of Yerevan had a meeting with the vice-Governor of Saint Petersburg  03.12.2013

The Mayor of Yerevan had a meeting with the vice-Governor of Saint Petersburg

 Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan had a meeting with the vice-Governor of Saint Petersburg Mikhail Mokretsov. Greeting the guest Mayor Taron Margaryan attaching particular importance to the friendly and business relations between Yerevan and the cities of the Russian Federation stressed that from this point of view the centuries-old friendship of the Armenian and Russian people is really exemplary. "Due to joint efforts of the two cities the relationship between Yerevan and... more →

 Visit of the youth organization of the RPA Shirak territorial organization to the boarding school of Gyumri03.12.2013

Visit of the youth organization of the RPA Shirak territorial organization to the boarding school of Gyumri

 On December 3 at the boarding school of Gyumri the youth council of the RPA Shirak territorial organization, Department of Education, Culture and Sports of Shirak region and “Maranata” folk-dance group organized an event on the occasion of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. The persons with disabilities and the elderly people, who live under state care, participated in the event with special enthusiasm and happiness, danced, sang with singers... more →



 On November 29, at the Third Summit of the Heads of State of the Eastern Partnership countries in Vilnius the Republic of Armenia and European Union made a Joint Statement. more →

The administrative districts of Yerevan Avan and Kentron will expand cooperation with North and Central districts of Moscow27.11.2013

The administrative districts of Yerevan Avan and Kentron will expand cooperation with North and Central districts of Moscow

 The heads of the administrative districts of Avan and Kentron arrived in Moscow within the official delegation of Yerevan headed by Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan had meetings with the heads of North and Central administrative districts of Moscow. Greeting his colleague arrived from Yerevan Vladislav Bazanchuk particularly said that special importance is attached to dynamically developing relations between the two cities and that such relations expanding year by year create a firm... more →

Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan has been awarded with the highest order of the Union of Armenians of Russia27.11.2013

Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan has been awarded with the highest order of the Union of Armenians of Russia

 The official delegation of the Municipality of Yerevan headed by Mayor Taron Margaryan was present at the event dedicated to the Day of Armenian letters organized by joint efforts of the Union of Armenians of Russia and the moscow government within the frames of Yerevan Days in Moscow. The Ambassador Extraordinary and plenipotentiary of the RA to the RF Oleg Yesayan, the president of the Union of Armenians of Russia Ara Abrahamyan, members of the Moscow Government as well as... more →

RA NA President Hovik Abrahamyan Meets with the Vice President, the President of the Senate of the Republic of Argentina Amado Boudou in the National Congress26.11.2013

RA NA President Hovik Abrahamyan Meets with the Vice President, the President of the Senate of the Republic of Argentina Amado Boudou in the National Congress

On November 26 the NA President Hovik Abrahamyan being on an official visit in the Republic of Argentina met with the Vice President, the President of the Senate of Argentina Amado Boudou in the National Congress. The NA President thanked for the official invitation and warm reception and noted that Armenia was greatly interested in developing and deepening of friendly relations with Latin American countries, including Argentina. He highly assessed the current political level of the... more →