
Prime Minister, IRI Ambassador Discuss Cooperation Prospects12.02.2014

Prime Minister, IRI Ambassador Discuss Cooperation Prospects

 Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan received Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the Republic of Armenia Mohammad Raiesi. On behalf of the Government Armenia, congratulating the Ambassador and the friendly people of Iran on the national holiday – 35th anniversary of the Islamic revolution in Iran (celebrated on February 11) - Tigran Sargsyan wished them every success. “Meetings like this help expand friendship between the two... more →

Tigran Sargsyan: our sacred duty is to keep forever the cherished memory of Hrant Matevosyan12.02.2014

Tigran Sargsyan: our sacred duty is to keep forever the cherished memory of Hrant Matevosyan

 On the birthday of great Armenian writer Hrant Matevosyan, Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan visited today Komitas Pantheon in Yerevan. The Head of Government joined family members and literary figures to lay flowers at the grave of Hrant Matevosyan and pay tribute to his blessed memory. “Our sacred duty is to keep forever the cherished memory of Hrant Matevosyan, since I cannot imagine a patriotic citizen of the modern Republic of Armenia unfamiliar with Hrant... more →

The architectural and urban development programs of the capital have been presented12.02.2014

The architectural and urban development programs of the capital have been presented

 At the meeting with journalists the Chief Architect of Yerevan Tigran Barseghyan presented the programs implemented in the capital in 2013 and the urban development and architectural programs planned for the next few years and directed at Yerevan development. Speaking about the programs planned for the next four years Tigran Barseghyan outlined the activities aimed at the realization of the projects General plan of Yerevan. As one of the most important programs of the Municipality... more →

The emergency hostel subjected to be dismantled was under control12.02.2014

The emergency hostel subjected to be dismantled was under control

 On February 12, at 05.15 am the first building of the hostel at Artsakh 4th lane crashed: at the moment of crashing there were no people in its surroundings as the building was under municipal control. Taking into account the danger of crashing all the dwellers of the house were resettled in the first half of 2013. Deputy Mayor Vahe Nikoyan stressed that it was a condemned building therefore it was under control of the persons in charge and the entrance was closed. After the... more →

The results of the activity of the Yerevan subdivisions of the MES carried out in 2013 have been summarized12.02.2014

The results of the activity of the Yerevan subdivisions of the MES carried out in 2013 have been summarized

 The results of the activity of the subdivisions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the RA functioning in the territory of Yerevan were summarized at the meeting taken place in the City Hall of Yerevan. Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan and the Minister of Emergency Situations of Armenia Armen Yeritsyan took part in the meeting. The leaders of the territorial subdivisions of the Yerevan Rescue Service of the RA MES performed reports on the work done pointing out that the work... more →

The issues related to inclusive education have been discussed10.02.2014

The issues related to inclusive education have been discussed

 Deputy Mayor Aram Sukiasyan and the representative of the Children's Foundation of the UNO Henrietta Arens discussed the issues related to children's rights defence, particularly, to inclusive education in the schools of Yerevan. Henrietta Arens introduced the main points of the corresponding report presented to the RA Government and said that it was planning to carry out a corresponding campaign with the participation of various organizations and structures interested in... more →