Young Republicans of Armavir do not remain indifferent to needy families

On 6 February the members of the Youth organization of RPA Armavir territorial organization visited Vazgen Hovhannisyan and his ill mother. Couldn't remain indifferent to their heavy social conditions each of them helped with food, clothes, firewood, flour and groceries.
During the visit the young people had a conversation with Vazgen and his mother, urged them to be strong and never give up, because they are willing to share their difficulties, not only materially but also spiritually.
In his encouraging speech the Head of the Youth organization of RPA Armavir territorial organization Gevorg Muradyan noted that Vazgen is a full member of this society and should never be discouraged, but must have a clear goal for the future to build a better life.
The Young Republicans promised Vazgen often visit them and support as far as possible.
Vazgen and his mother expressed satisfaction and thanked them for not remaining indifferent.