Young Republicans of Armavir are getting ready for the holiday of St. Sargis

On 22 January at Armavir city park by the initiative of the Youth organization of RPA territorial organization an event was organized ahead of the holiday of St. Sargis.
This year St. Sargis holiday is celebrated on 23 January. Saint Sargis the Warrior is one the favorite saints of the Armenian nation. There are many traditions about this holiday, the most popular of which is the tradition of eating salty cookies. According to the tradition, young people eat salty cookies of the eve of the holiday and should not drink water in order to see their future wife or husband in the dream who will serve them a glass of water.
On the eve of the Lovers Day Young Republicans of Armavir gave blessed salty cookies to the participants of the event, as well as to the strangers. During the event it was also represented the symbol of the holiday.