Оn the Eve of a New Year RPA Women’s Council visited frontier military bases

On 29 December at the head of the Chairman of RPA Women's Council, the NA Vice-President Hermine Naghdalyan the members of RPA Women's Council visited defensive positions of the frontier villages of Vayots Dzor marz to get acquainted with the situation, inspire and support our servicemen. The Republican women met with soldiers, got acquainted with their everyday life, details of their service, and answered their questions.
Congratulating the soldiers, the RPA Women's Council Chairman Hermine Naghdalyan noted that RPA Women always stand by soldiers and their families. The New Year congratulation of Mrs. Naghdalyan sounded like a maternal warm and sincere wish. “I would like to congratulate you on the occasion of a New Year and a Merry Christmas. May 2016 be a year of peace and happiness. I wish you a peaceful service and patience to your families”. Hermine Naghdalyan assured that the state does and will continue doing everything possible to take care of soldiers, to relieve their service.
“You are our future, our today's peaceful life depends on you and we are sure, that after carrying out your holly duties successfully you will return to your relatives as the best citizens of our country. Each day of your service is a glorification and today you shape our future and write the history of our country. We are proud of you”, noted Hermine Naghdalyan, concluding her speech.
The Republican women handed the soldiers their presents: food, sweets and necessary things, promising the soldiers always keep their focus on them and periodically visit them.