“Euromaidan: 2 years later”. RPA Youth organization participated in the conference directed towards the reconstruction of Ukraine

A Forum on “Euromaidan: 2 years later” has been recently held in the capital of Ukraine Kiev. About 68 young politicians from various European countries participated in the program. RPA Youth Organization was represented by Julieta Nikoghosyan and Gevorg Soghomonyan.
All the participants of the program were representatives of EPP full or associated member organizations.
It should be mentioned that RPA Youth Organization is an associated member of YEPP. The aim of the program was to carry out some reforms in a number of resolutions, e.g. “Network neutrality”, “Initiative to avoid a new civil war in Burundi”, “Deficit of digital knowledge”, as well as to make some changes in conformity with YEPP charter.
Within the frameworks of the program new challenges of Ukraine, ways of reconstruction and reforms of Ukraine were discussed; practical works were done in relation with internal regulations and changes.
The topic of discussion was also the issue of international terrorism.
Afterwards, the participants paid tribute to the memory of the victims of Maidan.