Mayor Taron Margaryan was awarded with the Gold Medal of the RA Chamber of Trade and Industry

Since 2006 the RA Chamber of Trade and Industry has been organizing “Mercury” award, the honorary prize of which is given to the companies and individuals achieving significant success and contribution to the sphere of economy and business. Within the scope of the award organized in State Academic theater of Opera and ballet after A. Spendiaryan a number of companies recognized the best in different spheres of economy were handed their ‘Mercury” awards by Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan. The RA Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan was also present at the event. “Mercury” is an international award and is organized in all Chambers of Trade and industry of the world. This year the award included 25 nominations involving all the spheres of economy. During the ceremony of awarding the president of the Chamber Martin Sargsyan awarded Yerevan mayor Taron Margaryan with the Golden of the RA Chamber of Trade and Industry for his significant contribution to the development of entrepreneurship in Armenia. By the decision of the Chamber of Trade and Industry Yerevan Municipality won the ‘Mercury” prize in the nomination “Proportionally and sustainably developing city”.