Members of RPA Youth Organization participate d in the program “Young leaders 2015-2016” held in Budapest

On 15-19 September in the capital of Hungary Budapest the first phase of the program “Young leaders 2015-2016” was held. It was organized by Robert Schuman Institute jointly with “Eduardo Frei” Foundation. 20 young people from the Eastern Partnership countries participated in the program. Julieta Nikoghosyan and Grisha Amirkhanyan represented the Youth Organization of the Republican Party of Armenia.
The “Young leaders 2015-2016” is a series of training courses which provides trainings for five days in November and January.
The aim of the initiative is to pass on the young polititians economic and theoretical knowledge on the political, economic, social-cultural and civil challenges and developments in Europe, get familiarized with basic values of democracy, particularly of christian democracy, underlining important aspects of their practical application while conducting a specific policy and making decisions, contribute to the development of the political role and career of the youth, provide exchange of information and experience.
During the 5 days of the program it was represented the basis of democracy, main political idelologies of Europe, it was spoken about the public opinion and role of media in democracy, corruption, civil society, sustainable development. At the course of the trainings the RPA representatives actively participated both in individual and team works.
During the next phases of the “Young leaders 2015-2016” program they are going to discuss international and security issues and social and economic challenges.