Participation of RPA Youth Organization in DEMYC Summer School

On 16-19 July in Slovenia DEMYC Summer School was held. The topic was “Practice and Implementation of the Rule of Law”. The RPA Youth Organization actively participated in the program. Young political figures from about 45 countries took part in the summer school.
During the first day the participants held a discussion on the topic “The youth, democracy and EU perspectives”. On the next day they visited the presidential palace and held a meeting with the President. The young participants also met with several Members of the European Parliament.
Within the frameworks of the program the importance of the rule of law was discussed, the Slovenian practice was represented. It was spoken about the role of the youth in building democracy.
On the concluding day of the School the 127th meeting of the Executive Committee was held. The Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of RPA Youth Organization Lilit Beglaryan, who was elected DEMYC Vice-President at the 25th congress, attached great importance to such meetings, as well as to the role of the participation of the Armenian youth in them, since during such meetings participants exchange practice and views, acquire new practical skills and knowledge, hold active discussions, raise problems and try to find solutions to them.