Members of RPA Youth Organization effectively represent national values even in а strained political atmosphere

In Georgia а summer school of young political leaders of the South Caucasus has recently launched by the initiative of the German Konrad-Adenauer Stiftung. Young representatives from various parties of Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan are participating in the program.
Before the official opening of the program the participants got acquainted with the structure and role of the Youth Organization of the Christian-Democratic Union of Germany.
The program officialy launched with the welcoming speech of Mrs. Canan Atilgan, the Head of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS) Regional Program: Political Dialogue: Southern Caucasus. It was followed by the report on ''Political atmosphere of the South Caucasus, local governent and political parties'' of the Head of the Caucasus Institute for Peace, Democracy and Development Mr. Gia Nodia.
After the report the trainer Shorena Lortkipanidze represented political projects, main goals and expectations of KAS. Then the practical part began. The particants learnt how to work out political projects for grants, how to establish parties, draw up party charter, pre-election program, got acquainted with the art of negotiation.
At the course of the program the symbol of the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide - “Forget-me-not” pins were handed out to the organizers and participants of the program by the RPA members, as well as they thoroughly represented the major achievements of RPA related to the recognition of the Armenian Genocide, particularly within the frameworks of the Democrat Youth Community of Europe and Youth of the European People's Party.
At the end of the program, participants will be awarded certificates.