Municipality of Yerevan struggles actively against illegal construction and land occupation

By the instruction of Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan, within the frames of the activities aimed at the exclusion of illegal construction cases and elimination of their consequences, the current condition of the locations where violations had been revealed in 2012-2014, was considered. It was noted that in 6 administrative districts cases of carrying on the construction without corresponding documentation had been revealed and 20 records on administrative violations were drawn up. This was reported during the regular working conference in the Municipality of Yerevan. The Mayor instructed the persons in charge and the heads of the administrative districts of Yerevan to keep the activities under tight control and to take necessary measures determined by law in repeated cases and to send the cases to the RA Prosecutor.
“In recent years the Municipality of Yerevan struggles actively against illegal construction and land occupation. And it’s unacceptable that in spite of such control violations are repeated in some locations. Some people may think that 20 cases are not so much special in comparison with the rates of the recent 5 or 10 years, but today even one case is unacceptable for me. Be strict and consistent. In case of repeated violationssend the cases to the RA Prosecutor”,- stressed the Mayor.
The head of the Department of Nature Protection reported that the landscaping and flower design of the capital are going on. It was instructed to keep the process of work under control so as it could be finished as scheduled and the green areas got proper care.
The Mayor also instructed the persons in charge for land auctions organization and for allotting documentation for construction to study the area and to exclude the possibility of giving construction permission in green areas.
During the working conference it was also reported that 59 records on administrative violations of not keeping the norms of obligatory improvement of the surrounding areas by the entities had been drawn up.
Concerning the events dedicated to the Victory Day, the head of the Department of Culture and Tourism reported that the preparations had been mainly completed. Festive events would be organized in all administrative districts of Yerevan.
With the aim of proper organization of the Last Bell /Graduation day/ events on May 22, the Mayor instructed the persons in charge to carry out corresponding activities and to report on the process. To organize the three-month action “Yerevan summer” which had already become traditional, Taron Margaryan instructed to form a working group, make up the program and the schedule of the actions. During the working meeting it was also instructed to carry out preparations for the organization the program dedicated to the International Day of Children’s Rights Defense-June 1.