
Training courses for the members of RPA youth organization continue


 The training courses on “Political leadership and negotiation. Theory and practice” organized for the members of RPA Youth Organization by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation continue in Hayat Place hotel. The goal of the training is to prepare qualified and competitive personnel for various branches of the political sphere. The second day of the training courses was launched by Narek Galstyan, associate professor of YSU political institutes and processes chair. He delivered a lecture on “Party strategy. Party foreign policy. Coalition negotiations”, representing the types, goals, tasks of policies and their levels.
The second lecture on “The role of the civil society in party activity” was delivered by Roman Melikyan, lecturer of the RA Public Administration Academy.
The third lecture was delivered in a quite interesting and active atmosphere by Nvard Melkonyan, associate professor of YSU Faculty of Sociology.

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