Training courses for the members of RPA Youth Organization by Konrad Adenauer Foundation

On February 27 in Hayat Place Hotel the training courses on “Political leadership and negotiation. Theory and practice” organized for the members of RPA Youth Organization by Konrad Adenauer Foundation were launched.
The program was opened with welcoming remarks by Florian Feyerabend, the scientific associate of the regional program of Konrad Adenauer Foundation. He briefly represented the activity, goals and tasks and projects of the Foundation.
The welcoming speech was followed by remarks of the Head of RPA Youth Organization Karen Avagyan as well as his report on “Decision making processes in parties”. In his speech Mr. Avagyan attached great importance to such kind of seminars in terms of preparing qualified, informed and competitive members.
The report was followed by the lecture of the associate professor of YSU Political institutes and processes chair on “Political and party leadership”.
The third speaker of the first day was Ruben Aghuzumtsyan, Head of the Chair of Psychology of Governance at State Public Administration Academy of RA. He represented the golden rules of political negotiations.
We should mention that the project will continue for the next two days and young party members will gain not only theoretical, but also practical knowledge on political knowledge.