Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan had a meeting with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the USA to Armenia

Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan received the newly-appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the USA to Armenia Richard Mills. Congratulating the Ambassador on starting his diplomatic mission in Armenia the Mayor of Yerevan expressed confidence that the warm relationship established with the embassy will go on developing as well as expressed hope that due to the Ambassador’s support the friendly relations established between Yerevan and the cities of the USA will go on successful development.
“The cooperation between the Municipality of Yerevan and the USA Embassy in Armenia has really been effective and constructive and in the context of development of Armenian-American relationship we attach importance to the role of the USA Ambassador to Armenia and the RA Ambassador to the USA. Taking into account that Los-Angeles and Cambridge are sister-cities of Yerevan I expect you support in the issue of strengthening and expansion of the cooperation with our sister-cities in various spheres of urban development”, stressed the Mayor of Yerevan.
Having thanked Mayor Taron Margaryan for warm reception and congratulations Ambassador Richard Mills in his turn noted that within the frames of his powers he is ready to assist in all the programs and initiatives aimed at strengthening and expansion of bilateral ties.
“ I assure you, Mister mayor, that within my powers I will do my best to assist in multilateral development of cooperation between the cities of the two countries both in the development of economic programs and cooperation in various spheres of urban economy. I am sure that our teamwork will give good results”, noted the Ambassador.
At the end of the meeting Mayor Taron Margaryan wished Richard Mills success in his responsible post and stressed once again that within its powers the Municipality of Yerevan is open and willing to expand the cooperation.