


 In celebration of New Year and Christmas, President Serzh Sargsyan today hosted a reception for mass media representatives at the Presidential Palace.

Serzh Sargsyan congratulated the participants and, in the person of them, all Armenian journalists and mass media employees on the occasion of the upcoming holidays, wished them good health and success and a peaceful and happy year: “Dear journalists and mass media representatives,

I cordially congratulate you on the occasion of New Year and Christmas.

All of us have worked hard during the working year. Today, I would like to thank each of you and, in the person of you, our entire media community, for the professional and joint activities carried out by a huge part of our mass media outlets in August when Azerbaijan treacherously shot down our helicopter on the frontline and in November. The same, with a small exception, is true about the recent devaluation of dram when we were able to quickly overcome the panic attacks not without your attentive work.

Thank you. With such a working mode, you do far better than just covering news. You have proven the claim “freedom of press is dangerous in situations with features of war” to be thrice vain. You have proven that persistently exaggerating the image of the enemy and imposing total censorship on military activities and defense issues under pretense of war pursue no other goal than consolidating dictatorship. You have proven manifestation of patriotism to know no professions. Believe me; you are doing a great job for our country’s future, for the values we have adopted and for further strengthening of freedom of speech.

Throughout the year, I have had many occasions to discuss with you the nuances of our joint work. I have never concealed the fact that I see some problems in today’s media activities; particularly I do not admit the manner of offending and labeling which can sometimes be observed in us. At the same time, I have not concealed the fact that I do not admit some people yield to temptation to use the website or newspaper wishing to be called a media outlet to settle a score with opponents. I am confident that time is already putting everything in its place, and it is by their own initiative that today’s readers who have boundless opportunities of getting information leave that kind of media barbarity in the past; a phenomenon which is peculiar to the past.

Dear friends,

We are entering a new working year during which, I suppose, we will again have few opportunities to work quietly. We are still under the influence of a volatile external environment, we have comprehensive programs aimed at making progress in integration processes, boosting our economy and tackling social issues, we have planned numerous events dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide and, of course, we have to perform our changeless duty of being on guard for peace every day. Together we have a lot of things to do in this and in all other activity areas, and I am confident that we will be open, transparent and effective.

In the person of you, I congratulate all journalists and all our mass media employees. I am sure that 2015 will be a year of cooperation and progress.

May the new year bring success to all of us and peace and happiness to all our families.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year,” said President Serzh Sargsyan in his congratulatory speech delivered to mass media representatives at the festive reception which took place at the Presidential Palace.


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