
Letter from the Deputy Chair of the All-China Women’s Federation and the member of the Secretariat Yu Hongqiu to the RA NA Deputy Speaker, Chairman of RPA Women’s Council Hermine


 To: RA NA Deputy Speaker, Chairman of RPA Women’s Council
Mrs. Hermine Naghdalyan

Dear Mrs. Naghdalyan,
With the friendship of our Armenian sisters my colleagues and I have safely returned to China. On behalf of the members of the delegation and on my own behalf let me express our gratitude to you and your colleagues.

Although it was a short visit but we are deeply impressed by it. Thanks to your active work we had warm and friendly discussions with the RA President S. Sargsyan, the NA President Serzh Sargsyan and female deputies, visited RPA Nor-Nork and Gegharkunik territorial organizations and got familiarized with their work, aimed at the promotion of women and children. We have achieved active results. This visit of the Chinese women’s delegation has been the first one since the day of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Armenia and China. During the visit we deeply exchanged views on further strengthening exchanges and co-operation between women and women’s organizations of our two countries. We are greatly touched by your friendly feelings towards the Chinese people, including towards the Chinese women. I am convinced that through our joint efforts friendly exchanges and co-operation between Chinese and Armenian women will achieve even greater progress.
I heartily wish you and our Armenian sisters good health, happiness and great success in your work.


Yu Hongqiu

Deputy Chair of the All-China Women’s Federation
and the member of the Secretariat

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