
Mayor Taron Margaryan had a meeting with the mayor of Krasnodar and Vienne, the members of the Moscow delegation and St Petersburg delegation


 Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan received the delegation headed by the Mayor of Krasnodar Vladimir Yevlanov arrived in Yerevan to take part in the celebration of «Erebuni-Yerevan 2796». Having thanked for the visit Taron Margryan expressed confidence that in the future joint projects will be implemented with Krasnodar. «Today Yerevan really has a big potential for mutually beneficial cooperation and I am sure that we will be able to establish effective cooperation. In this context I consider it an important step to sign a cooperation agreement between Yerevan and Krasnodar and it will become an additional stimulus for further strengthening of the relationship of the two cities», said Taron Margaryan.
Having thanked his colleague for accepting the proposal on cooperation and fixing it by an agreement as well as for taking part in the celebration of «Erebuni –Yerevan» the Mayor of Krasnodar Vladimir Yevlanov in his turn assured that he will do his best so that joint projects will be realized as soon as possible. «I am sure that in a short while we will achieve success in mutually beneficial cooperation between the two cities. Yerevan is a very dear city to us and I am sure that our friendship will grow into a reliable and durative partnership. By the way, I must confess that I have been in Yerevan for the first time and your wonderful city fascinated me and all the members of our delegation. It's obvious that you realize a serious and sustainable program of proportional development of the city and this fact allows us to be certain that our cooperation will be more effective», stressed the Mayor of Krasnodar and taking the opportunity invited the Mayor of Yerevan to visit Krasnodar.
Within the scope of the meeting the parties made an agreement to create working groups which will discuss the schedule of realization of the programin the direction provided for by the signed agreement.


The delegation of Vienne, France headed by the Mayor of Vienne Thierry Kovacs arrived in Yerevan by the invitation of Yerevan Mayor to take part in the celebration of «Erebuni-Yerevan 2796» had a meeting with Mayor Taron Margaryan. Greeting the guests and having thanked them for accepting the invitation to mark the Day of Yerevan together Taron Margaryan noted that the visit of the Mayor of Vienne is a fine opportunity to establish partner relations between the two cities. «Today Yerevan is cooperating successfully with a number of French cities and various important joint programs have been implemented up to now. Our tight cooperation with the French partner cities has given noticeable results in the spheres of local self-government, economy development, tourism stimulation and in some other spheres of urban economy so this is another stimulus to discuss new projects and pt them into life», said Taron Margaryan adding that Yerevan and Vienne can also have definite interaction.

The Mayor of Vienne Thierry Kovacs thanked the Mayor for the warm reception and the invitation and in his turn attached importance to the willingness of the Municipality of Yerevan to establish partnership between the two cities. «It's a pleasure to be in Yerevan and I must confess, Mister Mayor, that I have been impressed with the attractive look of Yerevan and with the tempo of its development.This is my third visit to Yerevan and I can say every time I see your city more improved, well-arranged and comfortable. And from this point of view it's important for us to establish partnership with Yerevan in a number of spheres and have effective experience exchange», said Thierry Kovacs.
Within the frames of the meeting Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan attached particular importance to the participation of two deputy mayors of Vienne, Armenians by nation, in the celebration of Yerevan's Day and expressed hope that they will also have their contribution to the issue of formation of partner relations between Yerevan and Vienne.

Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan received the Minister of the Government of Moscow, the head of the Department of Social Welfare of the population of Moscow Vladimir Petrosyan who arrived in Yerevan to take part in «Erebuni-Yerevan 2796» celebration. The leader of the representation of the Municipality of Yerevan in the capital of the RF Makar Nahapetyan also took part in the meeting. Highly appreciating the friendship and partneship existing between the two peoples Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan stressed the importance of strengthening and expansion of bilateral relations as well as noted that the program of cooperation signed between the executive bodies of the two capitals in 2013 in Moscow for the years of 2014-2016 within the frames of Yerevan Days in Moscow provides new possibilities of cooperation. «Moscow is an important partner for us and taking into account the effectiveness of our program cooperation in the recent years we should take steps towards expansion and deepening of mutually beneficial cooperation. It's not occasional that the «Golden pomegranate» festival has been held in Moscow for several years already. This festival is one of the best projects being realized within the frames of Yerevan-Moscow cooperation. I am sure that the business environment will be developing ensuring uninterrupted process of joint projects. From this point of view I attach importance to the implementation of concrete programs in investment and other fields. The representation of the Municipality of Yerevan in Moscow has its special role in this issue», stressed Taron Margaryan and thanked the delegation for the visit and the participation in the celebration.
The Minister of the Moscow Government, the head of the Deprtment of Welfare of the population of Moscow Vladimir Petrosyan conveyed the congratulations and best wishes of the Mayor of Moscow Sergey Sobyanin on the event of the Day of Yerevan and thanked Taron Margaryan for the invitation to take part in the celebration.
«First, Mister Mayor, let me note that forever young Yerevan is developing day by day and during each visit we see more clearly the programs of the city development and this fact confirms your systematic work. As regards the Yerevan-Moscow cooperation I should note that we are glad to strengthen the cooperation and in the nearest years we expect more active cooperation in all the spheres of urban economy», said Vladimir Petrosyan.
During the meeting some other issues related to cooperation expansion between the two capital were discussed.

The delegation headed by the vice-governor of St Petersburg Olga Kazanskaya arrived in Yerevan to take part in «Erebuni-Yerevan 2796» celebration has been hosted in the Municipality of Yerevan. Greeting the guests Mayor Taron Margaryan first of all thanked them for accepting the invitation and highly appreciating the efforts of the Government of St Petersburg aimed at strengthening and expansion of bilateral relations once again stressed that Yerevan is open and ready to discuss new proposals and initiatives directed at mutually beneficial cooperation development and expansion. «Today our cooperation is developing within the frames of the program of cooperation of 2011-2014, and taking into account the effective and coordinated work of the created working groups I am sure we will have the results we have outlined. I am also confident that this meeting will give a new practical quality to the implementation of constructive programs between Yerevan and Saint Petersburg», said the Mayor.
Having thanked the Mayor for warm reception and conveying the greetings of the Governor of Saint Petersburg Georgi Poltavchenko, vice-governor Olga Poltavchenko congratulated Taron Margaryan on the Day of Yerevan and noted that the relationship with Yerevan is important for St Petersburg and it's obvious that the cooperation between the two cities has a big potential. «Yerevan is a reliable and stable partner for the northern capital of the RF and we attach importance to cooperation expansion. I assure you, Mister mayor, that Yerevan is dear to us not only a friend but also a partner city and we highly appreciate the constructive partnership atmosphere existing in our relations. We always participate in the celebrations dedicated to Yerevan with great pleasure and we are sure that we will again return to St Petersburg full of wonderful impressions», said Olga Kazanskaya.


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