
The team of Ajapnyak won the cup of the Republican Party


 On September 28, 2014 at “Armenia” Sports Non-Governmental Organization sport hall the RPA 12th table tennis team and individual championship was held. The groups of seven territorial organizations of Yerevan (Shengavit, Arabkir, Erebuni, Avan, Ajapnyak, Malatia-Sebastia, Qanaqer-Zeytun) and seven regions (Ararat, Lori, Shirak, Tavush, Gegharquniq, Vayots-Dzor, Kotayk).
Тhe winner was the team of RPA Ajapnyak territorial organization. The second place took the team of Arabkir, the third place – Qanaqer-Zeytun territorial organization.
As in previous years, the individual championship both among men and women was held in two groups. The first group included the professional sportsmen and the second group – amateurs.
The winners were:
The first group of menMesrop Ghukasyan (RPA Ajapnyak territorial organization)
The first group of womenHasmik Khachatryan (RPA Malatia-Sebastia territorial organization)
The second group of menVahan Mamikonyan (RPA Shengavit territorial organization)
The second group of womenAnahit Krmzyan (RPA Lori territorial organization).
The Chairman of the NA Standing Committee on Foreign Relations, Member of RPA Board Mr. Artak Zakaryan, the Deputy of the National Assembly, Member of RPA Board Karine Achemyan, the Deputy of the National Assembly, Member of RPA Board Arayik Hovhannisyan attended the event and gave awards.


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