
RA Prime-Minister met with the members of RPA Youth Organization


 Today, on September 24, the RA Prime-Minister, Deputy Chairman of the Republican Party of Armenia Hovik Abrahamyan held a meeting with the heads of RPA Youth organization territorial and regional bodies.
The RA Prime-Minister periodically holds working meetings with the members of RPA Youth organization, during which various issues are discussed.
The Member of Parliament, Chairman of the Youth organization introduced the programs implemented by the organization and outlined next steps.
The Mayor of Yerevan Taron Margaryan, who also attended the meeting, spoke about the projects implemented in the capital, told about the planned events.
During the meeting Hovik Abrahamyan touched upon several issues. Spoke about organizational issues, package of reforms, especially tax and customs reforms, investment programs, balanced territorial development, combating corruption.
He also touched upon the importance of small and medium entrepreneurship development in regions. Mr. Abrahamyan noted that the border villages will be given preferential terms.
The Prime-Minister also answered the questions of young people and listened to their suggestions.
The questions referred to organizational issues, political events, government programs.
The head of the government urged the youth to use their activism in support of sectoral programs.
At the end of the meeting some of the young people received their party membership tickets by the Deputy Chairman.

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