
The Mayor had a meeting with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the PRC to Armenia


 Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan had a meeting with the Ambassador extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Peoples Republic of China to Armenia Tian Chanchun who is finishing his diplomatic mission in Armenia. Stressing the present high level of relations between Armenia and China Mayor Taron Margaryan highly appreciated the personal contribution of the Ambassador to the development of partnership between Yerevan and Beijing. «Armenian-Chinese relations in different spheres are on the high level and you have contributed to it greatly, Mister Ambassador, and we highly appreciate the activities carried out in the period of your mission both in Armenia and particularly in Yerevan. It's notable that a memorandum on cooperation was signed between the two capitals in the context of Armenian-Chinese relationship and this treaty is the first one in the history of relationship between the cities of Armenia and China. And we have already achieved results within the frames of this cooperation. Though our meeting has been held on the event of your finishing the diplomatic mission in Armenia I assure you that the Municipality of Yerevan is ready to assist you within its powers. Be sure that you and your family will always be expected in Yerevan», stressed the Mayor wishing the Ambassador success in his further diplomatic mission.
Expressing gratitude for warm reception Tian Chanchun in his turn stressed that the cooperation between the Municipality of Yerevan and the Embassy of China in Armenia has really been effective and constructive. «Mister Mayor, we highly appreciate your efforts and willingness in the issue of development and expansion of cooperation programs between Yerevan and its partner cities, and I am sure that the joint work with the new Ambassador will be effective too. Taking the opportunity I'd like to express my gratitude to you for effective management of Yerevan which make it possible for Yerevan to take the way of sustainable development and to make living here more convenient. I assure you that within these years I and my family considered ourselves citizens of Yerevan as your city is attractive and convenient in any aspect. I am sure that under your governance the residents of Yerevan will witness implementation of many projects important for the city», stressed the Ambassador of PRC to Armenia.

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