
Meeting in the Parliament


 On September 16 the NA Deputy Speaker Eduard Sharmazanov met with Ioannis Tayis, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Republic of Greece to Armenia and Gavriil Avramidis, member of the Hellenic Parliament.

Welcoming the guests the NA Deputy Speaker highly assessed the centuries-old and friendly relations of the Armenian and Greek peoples, highlighted their further rapprochement and expansion.

During the meeting the interlocutors touched upon the problem of the NK conflict settlement, as well as the genocides of the two peoples. Eduard Sharmazanov thanked the Hellenic Parliament for adopting the resolution criminalizing the denial of the Armenian Genocide.

Touching upon the parliamentary cooperation, the NA Deputy Speaker highlighted the necessity of supporting each other in different international platforms, noting that the behaviour of some Greek MPs is doubtful, who try to cast a shadow on the Armenian-Greek relations, ignoring Greece’s official position in the Parliamentary Assemblies.

In his turn assessing the Armenian-Greek relations brotherly, the member of the Hellenic Parliament Gavriil Avramidis has noted that he welcomes the execution of the right of self-determination of the NKR population. The Greek deputy has noticed that Greece officially supports the activities of the OSCE Minsk Group.

The NA Deputy Speaker Eduard Sharmazanov invited his Greek counterpart to attend the conference “The Parliamentarians against Genocide” to be organized within the framework of the events of the centenary of the Armenian Genocide, which is scheduled to be held in Yerevan on April 22-23.

In the course of the meeting the sides also discussed other issues of bilateral interest.

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