
“Our aim is not to draw up reports but to keep the areas clean and well-arranged”: Mayor Taron Margaryan


 Within the frames of building and improvement programs of the Municipality of Yerevan, street overhauling is going on in the capital. In 6 streets of the 23 scheduled ones the process has already been over. This was reported to Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan during the regular working conference. Regarding the reconstruction of the road segment collapsed in the Hrazdan gorge the head of the Department of Building and Improvement reported that the construction had been completely finished and the road had been put into operation.
Regarding the activities provided by the annual program of overhauling of educational and cultural establishments it was reported that the process had been finished in most of them. Concerning the repairing in the musical school after Sayat Nova and the Children’s Philharmonic after Yuri Bakhshyan it was reported that the process had started a bit late but the work was going on at full speed and would be over as scheduled. Regarding public transport work it was reported that a conference had been held with the participation of the representatives of servicing companies. Before September 1 the number of vehicles servicing the itineraries had been increased and passengers transportation had been carried out in accordance with the determined order. But this morning some bus stops were crowded. Mayor Taron Margaryan considered the work done unsatisfactory and instructed to strengthen the control in this direction.
“Every year, at the beginning of the academic year we face the same problem. Our attitude in this issue is firm. The servicing companies are required to work properly and the violations will not be forgiven. They undertake the responsibility so they are obliged to ensure proper service. In case of failing proper service they are to be disciplined in accordance with the same contracts. Set particular control over the itineraries served by the Municipality as well”, stressed Taron Margaryan.
The head of the Department of Urban Development and Land Control reported that as a result of the control over illegal construction and land occupation prevention 18 cases had been revealed the previous week. The Mayor instructed to go on everyday control. It was also reported that the process of cleaning and improvement of the areas by their owners, leasers and developers is still going on. Up today 178 areas of the revealed 205 ones have been cleaned up and brought in order, regarding 17 entities administrative reports have been drawn up. Mayor Taron Margaryan instructed to strengthen the control.
“Our aim is not to draw up reported but to keep the areas clean and well-arranged. Bu those who don’t meet their obligations are to take responsibility. If an owner or a leaser goes on neglecting his areas even after being warned for a long time double punishment is to be applied till the problem get solved and the areas get proper look”, stressed Taron Margaryan.
The head of the Department of General Education reported that corresponding measures had been taken to ensure proper beginning of the new academic year. On the Mayor’s instruction special control was set over distribution of free text-books for the pupils of the elementary school. It was reported that the number of the pupils attending the schools of the capital has increased by 5 thousand in comparison with the previous year.
It was also reported that “Yerevan summer” program had been completed on August 31. The program included various sport, cultural and entertainment events, a medical action was held as well. Mayor Taron Margaryan thanked the persons in charge for proper organization and holding the program and instructed to prepare corresponding proposals for the next summer.

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