
“The government will do everything possible to assist border communities,” the Prime Minister said in Tavush Marz


 Accompanied Minister of Defense Seyran Ohanyan and Tavush Marz Goverrnor Hovik Abovyan, Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan visited today Chinar, Aigedzor and Artsvaberd border communities in Tavush Marz.

The Prime Minister first called at a stronghold at the Armenian-Azerbaijani State border stationed in Chinar. The Premier met with the commanders and soldiers conducting frontline service, and asked about their psychological combat readiness, then walked in the military base, was introduced to the service and living conditions.

Armenia's Prime Minister expressed his gratitude to all the military for their loyalty and courage to serve the motherland and keeping the State border impregnable. Hovik Abrahamyan met with community leaders, farmers and officers in Chinar, Aigedzor and Artsvaberd communities.

The Prime Minister spoke to local residents and got familiar with their problems, answered questions of primary concern for the villagers which mainly related to the tense situation caused by the recent border incidents.

In this connection Armenia’s Prime Minister and the Defense Minister assured that the armed forces of the Republic of Armenia and the NKR Defense Army confidently control the situation along the border, protecting the motherland’s borders and ensuring the security of the population.

The Prime Minister spoke about those social issues raised by the residents, which bore on the provision of tax concessions to local businessmen, road construction; student tuitions, the compensation of electricity, gas and other fees, etc.

The Prime Minister advised that the Cabinet was discussing the possibility of according tax benefits to businessmen in border communities, providing new jobs and boosting economic life.

The head of government promised to the residents of Artsvaberd to make a priority of the construction of the kindergarten, assigning the Governor of Tavush Marz to prepare and submit to the Government all the necessary design and estimate documents.

Hovik Abrahamyan told the Mayor of Chinar to submit the list of local students so that the Government could reimburse their tuition.

The Prime Minister also visited Vital Cannery in Tavush Marz to get acquainted with production opportunities and projects.

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