
NA Depuy Speaker met with Latvian Ambassador


 On July 16 the NA Deputy Speaker, Head of the Armenia-Latvia Friendship Group Eduard Sharmazanov met with Elita Gavele, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Latvia to the RA. The meeting was attending also Armen Ghasaboghlyan, Latvian Honorary Consul to the RA.
Welcoming the guest, the NA Deputy Speaker Eduard Sharmazanov spotlighted the upcoming Latvian Presidency of the EU and expressed hope that it would give a new impetus to the RA-EU political relations and Armenia-Latvia interaction. He emphasized that Armenia attaches a great importance to the continuity of dialogue with the EU.

Touching upon regional security issues, Mr. Sharmazanov spotlighted the peaceful settlement of the NK conflict in the framework of OSCE Minsk Group, noting that the way for conflict settlement is not the war. He has underscored that Azerbaijan implements destructive and destabilizing policy. The Ambassador in its turn mentioned that Latvia and the European structures are absolutely for the peaceful settlement of NK problem.

Turning to the international recognition of the Armenian Genocide perpetrated by Ottoman Turkey in 1915, the NA Deputy Speaker has said that unless the international community recognizes the Armenian Genocide and assesses it as an evil crime against humanity, it will not yet mean to exclude possibility of new genocides.

In the course of the meeting the parties discussed issues relating to the further development of Armenia-Latvia relations and deepening of inter-parliamentary ties. The necessity of giving a new impetus to the relations and meeting new lines of contact was highlighted.

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