
RA NA President Galust Sahakyan Takes Part in the Reception Dedicated to Russia Day


On June 12 the RA NA President Galust Sahakyan took part in the official reception dedicated to Russia Day, national day of Russia. The NA Speaker congratulated the attendees on the occasion of Russia Day.

“Distinguished Mr Ambassador,

I congratulate you on the occasion of Russia Day, national day of Russia.

The strategic partnership with Russia is one of the most important priorities of Armenia’s foreign policy. Armenia greatly highlights the enlargement of cooperation with the Russian Federation in all the spheres, in parliamentary format as well, which regularly develops based on the centuries old friendship of the two nations.

In July of this year my official visit to the Russian Federation will take place, during which issues regarding the further development and deepening of bilateral cooperation will be discussed.

I hope that this year will be full of meetings and mutual visits, and the agreements reached during that period will be the continuation of strengthening of our partnership policy.

The high level of bilateral relations is also aimed at ensuring security and stability in the region, the settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh, the deepening of cooperation in the spheres of defense, military-technical, as well as industry, energy and other spheres.

The activity of the Inter-Parliamentary Committee between the RA NA and the RF Federal Assembly also greatly promotes the development and the enlargement of the cooperation of our two countries. The last 24th sitting of the Committee was held last week in Nizhny Novgorod. A number of items relating to the perspectives of small and medium enterprises in Armenia and Russia were included in the agenda.

I am sure that the active involvement of our embassies in the process of the development of partnership between our two countries will greatly contribute to the rise of the level of inter-state and inter-parliamentary relations.

Mr Ambassador, I am thankful for the warm reception. I wish you and the friendly people of Russia peace and welfare.”

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