
The first Pan-Armenian winter games have started


 The RA President Serzh Sargsyan, the Mayor of Yerevan Taron Margaryan, the Chairman of Control Chamber Ishkhan Zakaryan, other officials and numerous guests were present at the solemn ceremony of opening of the first Pan-Armenian winter games held in Tsakhkadzor.
Greeting the participants of Pan-Armenian winter games and the guests the RA President Serzh Sargsyan noted that within its 15-year history, expanding its geography and increasing the number of participants, Pan-Armenian games show that they are needed. The President of the Republic thanked all those people who had initiated the games and within these 15 years had been applying their efforts and enthusiasm to make the games succeed. The President stressed that today it could be stated with certainty that the games become a success. Emphasizing the significance of Pan-Armenian games in the issue of strengthening the ties between Homeland and Diaspora, President Serzh Sargsyan wished the participants fair competitiveness, hot struggle and a lot of success in sport and announced the first Pan-Armenian winter games open.
The Chairman of the Chamber of Control,President of Pan-Armenian Committee of the World Games Ishkhan Zakaryan in his turn greeting the participants and those present once again stressed the importance of Pan-Armenian games in the issue of unification of the Armenians worldwide, expressed hope that holding of winter games will become traditional and the games will expand their geography. Ishkhan Zakaryan expressed special gratitude to Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan for his active support in the organization of the first Pan-Armenian winter games.
About 400 from 11 countries are taking part in Pan-Armenian winter games held for the first time. The delegation of Yerevan is also taking active part in this big sport event. Yerevan team has sportsmen in all disciplines. An organization committee headed by Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan was formed in the Municipality of Yerevan and as a result of the work of this committee all necessary conditions for trainings were created for the teams representing the capital. The professional equipment and parade outfit of the sportsmen and sportswomen representing Yerevan were purchased as well.
The first Pan-Armenian winter games are held from February 24 till March 2 and include 4 sports-skiing, alpine skiing, snowboard and ice hockey.

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