
The emergency hostel subjected to be dismantled was under control


 On February 12, at 05.15 am the first building of the hostel at Artsakh 4th lane crashed: at the moment of crashing there were no people in its surroundings as the building was under municipal control. Taking into account the danger of crashing all the dwellers of the house were resettled in the first half of 2013. Deputy Mayor Vahe Nikoyan stressed that it was a condemned building therefore it was under control of the persons in charge and the entrance was closed.
After the resettlement of the dwellers Harutyun Aroyan, the plenipotentiary carrying out the control delegated by the administration of the community of Shengavit said that the building is under permanent control.
"The preparations for demolition of both buildings of the hostel have been going on for three days. Taking into account the factor of danger the dwellers of both buildings were resettled in 2013. Before the collapse of the first building two families were still living in the second one and they didn’t move because of the problems with their documents. We offered them to move urgently and to solve their problems with documents in the new flat", said Vahe Nikoyan.

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