
The administrative districts of Yerevan Avan and Kentron will expand cooperation with North and Central districts of Moscow


 The heads of the administrative districts of Avan and Kentron arrived in Moscow within the official delegation of Yerevan headed by Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan had meetings with the heads of North and Central administrative districts of Moscow.
Greeting his colleague arrived from Yerevan Vladislav Bazanchuk particularly said that special importance is attached to dynamically developing relations between the two cities and that such relations expanding year by year create a firm basis for deepening the relationships between the administrative units of the cities and developing mutually beneficial cooperation.
Expressing gratitude for warm welcome and the willingness to expand cooperation the head of the administrative district of Avan Manvel Javadyan noted that within the frames of cooperation developed between the administrative districts of Yerevan and Moscow in 2005-2006 a number of projects had been implemented in economic, social and educational spheres and taking into account this fact, he expressed confidence that the cooperation will keep on being effective.
Within the frames of the meeting of the head of the administrative district of Kentron Ara Sadoyan and the head of the Central district of Moscow Victor Fuer the parties made an agreement to expand the volumes of the programs being implemented within the existing cooperation programs. The parties particularly agreed to show active support in the issue of experience exchange between the school N 8 of Yerevan and the school N 1305 of Moscow.
Within the scope of the meetings the heads of Avan and Kentron discticts of Yerevan discussed with their colleagues the perspectives of the implementation of joint mutually beneficial projects in various fields and in this context stressed the importance of the new possibilities of cooperation between the two administrative districts provided by the cooperation program for 2014-20`6 to be signed between Yerevan and Moscow.
According to the agreement made by the parties, after signing the cooperation program the directions of cooperation will be more specified and corresponding actions will be taken in this regard.

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