
Yerevan and El-Kuwait are going to sign a cooperation agreement


 Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan received the delegation headed by the Governor of El-Kuwait Sheikh Ali al-Jaber al-Sabah arrived in Yerevan with official visit. Greeting the guests Mayor Taron Margaryan first of all thanked the Governor of El-Kuwait for having accepted the invitation and visiting Yerevan and expressed confidence that this visit would put the warm and friendly relations existing between the two countries on the new level.
"Today the Armenian-Kuwaiti relationship is on a high level. And these relations are not only of practical but also of friendly character this fact is proved by the common history of Armenia and its people with the Arab world. Taking into account the example of our states I am sure that we will have friendly and mutually beneficial ties between the two capitals too, and this will strengthen and develop the bilateral cooperation and friendship”, said Taron Margaryan.
The Governor of El-Kuwait Sheikh Aki al-Jaber al-Sabah in his turn thanked for warm welcome and particularly emphasized the willingness of the Mayor of Yerevan aimed at cooperation expansion between the two cities.
"Today there is really big potential for cooperation establishment and effective cooperation development between the two capital and I should stress that we are interested and willing to establish and strengthen friendly and business relations with Yerevan. I’d like to assure that in the nearest future Yerevan and El-Kuwait are going to sign a corresponding agreement in accordance with which our cooperation is to develop", stressed Sheikh Ali al-Jaber al-Sabah.
Presenting the guests his approaches in Yerevan management the Mayor attached importance to the implementation of investment programs with business circles. Taron Margaryan noted that serious steps are taken in the capital today concerning the improvement of business environment and attraction of investments. “Within the frames of its powers the Municipality of Yerevan is open and willing to discuss concrete programs of cooperation and to assist their implementation in any way. Thus, we expect your direct initiative, Mister Governor, in presenting investment programs of Yerevan to the private companies of El-Kuwait and drawing interest to them», stressed Taron Margaryan.
The parties reached an agreement to form a working team which is to discuss and prepare the treaty to be signed thoroughly.

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