
The address of Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan on the event of the International Students’ Day


 Dear students
November 17 is marked as the internation Students’ Day in many countries and this is another occasion to highlight the importance of using the potential of the youth more purposefully and effectively. Thre is no sphere where the fundamental problems do not concern the youth, especially students to more or less extent.
As a result of students’ movements started in the higher education establishments in the first years of our independence bodies of students’ self-government were formed nearly in all universities and today they come out as independent, organized structures takng their active part not oly in the processes of management of educational establishments, organizational and scientific and educational affairs but also in all demonstrations of public life.
Dear students
The issue of sustainable development and strngthening of our beloved capital and our Homeland, the responsible issue of making it more comfortable and well-being is entrusted to you, the bearers of the best values handed down to us by our ancestors.
I am sure that due to diligence, with unbreakable will to achieve the set goal, with the devotion to the work started you will be able to overcome any hardships and combining all patriotic efforts to make our country the one each of us dreams of.
Let me congratulate you once again on the International Students' Day and wish that all your initiatives be based on common humane values and any of your activity be honest and aimed at the implementation of high goals.

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