
At the Four-Day Sittings of the National Assembly


On November 13 the parliament continued the work, passing by voting the financial treaty “Yerevan Metropolitan Reconstruction-Second Phase” between the Republic of Armenia and the European Investment Bank debated on the previous day. The NA Speaker also put for voting the draft law “On Recognizing the Nagorno Karabakh Republic” authored by the Head of the Heritage faction Zaruhi Postanjyan. Before voting the head of the RPA faction Galust Sahakyan announced that the ruling political coalition would not take part in the voting of the draft law concerning the NKR recognition. The Secretary of the Prosperous Armenia faction Naira Zohrabyan and the Head of the Armenian National Congress Levon Zurabyan said that their factions would not take part in the voting of the bill. As a result of voting decision was not made.

The NA Speaker Hovik Abrahamyan said that the member of the Rule of Law faction Khachik Harutyunyan laid down his deputy mandate submitting an application on the occasion of passing to another work.

The Head of the parliament proposed the deputies to welcome a group of teachers and pupils from the school of the frontier Vazashen village of Tavush marz who had visited the National Assembly within the framework of the Open Lesson programme and were following the works of the NA sitting.

The deputies continued the debate of the loan agreement “Yerevan Water Supply Improvement Programme” between the Republic of Armenia and the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development signed on 19 July 2013 submitted by the RA Deputy Minister of Finance Suren Karayan.

The member of the NA Standing Committee on Foreign Relations Shirak Torosyan endorsed the agreement on behalf of the committee.

The member of the NA Standing Committee on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs Khosrov Harutyunyan presented the endorsement of the agreement.

Then the National Assembly restarted the debates of the RA draft law “On 2014 RA State Budget.”

The key reporter, the RA Minister of Finance Davit Sargsyan noted in 2014 social-economic policy of the government would mainly be aimed at preservation of macro-economic sustainability, providing sustainable economic growth.

The NA Speaker was interested in the financial means proposed by the Ministry for reducing the shadow and facilitating the administrative burden on the business. Davit Sargsyan noted that in 2014 the government did not envisage additional administrative increase. Hovik Abrahamyan’s next question was relating to the elaboration of the Tax Code by the Ministry. The Minister said that in 2009 the elaboration of the Tax Code had been ended connected with the crisis, and those works would continue.

The RA Minister of Finance also answered the deputies’ questions concerning the volumes of foreign investments, the compensation of the USSR deposits to the Afghanistan war veterans, the definition of control prices in the sphere of state purchases, the continuity of the providing state support and the investment of the accumulating pension system.

The Chairman of the Central Bank Artur Javadyan presented the conclusion on the RA draft law “On 2014 RA State Budget.”

The debates on the RA draft law “On 2014 RA State Budget” will continue at the NA November 14 sitting.

By the established order of the NA Rules of Procedure on Wednesday the last hour was allotted to the Q & A session between the deputies and the members of the government. 

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