
The second conference of the Armenian-French Decentralized Cooperation has started in Valence


 The second conference of the Armenian-French Decentralized Cooperation has started with the participation of more than 30 cities and regions of Armenia and France.
In his greeting speech addressed to the participants Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan first of all thanked the organizers of the conference in the person of the Mayor of Valence Alain Maurice and the president of the United Cities of France Michelle Delebar, noting that it is really a very responsible initiative and the Mayor of Yerevan is quite familiar with it for the first conference was held in Yerevan.
"In October 2010 the first conference of the Armenian-French Decentralized Cooperation was held in Yerevan which put an institutional ground for the cooperation between the Armenian and French communities. At this conference we adopted a very important document-the charter for the Armenian-French Decentralized Cooperation which outlines the main directions of our cooperation: development of local self-government, economical development, tourism, trainings of the French language", said the Mayor of Yerevan.
Taron Margaryan also said that Yerevan attaches great importance to the international cooperation which Armenia started as far back as the 1960s.
"Today we cooperate with more than 40 cities and are the members of 7 international and regional organizations creating a large contractual field and implementing joint programs. We attach high importance to cooperation deepening with our French partner-cities and the regions of France in various directions and spheres. Within the recent 20 years Yerevan gradually developed its cooperation with the biggest cities and regions of France, particularly, with Paris, Lyon, Marseille, Nice and the District Council of Ile de France, implementing various projects in the spheres of education, culture, tourism, economy, architecture, urban development and so on. All this is another proof that Yerevan is really interested in deepening and expanding the Armenian-French decentralized cooperation", said Taron Margaryan, adding that today targeted activities are carried out in the direction of French studies and Francophonia development. Besides, Taron Margaryan said that the Municipality of Yerevan successfully cooperates with the International Association of Francophone Mayors within the frames of which a number of important programs in general education, art and musical schools had been implemented within the recent years.
"Last year Armenia was awarded the status of a full member of the international organization of Francophonia and I am sure that this fact opens new perspectives for cooperation with France and within Francophone frames. We highly appreciate the experience of our French partner-cities and the possibility to apply it through experience exchange and technical support", stressed Taron Margaryan and pointed out the cooperation between communities within the frames of various programs. Yerevan Mayor also stressed that the decentralized cooperation is important in all directions as they are mutually complementary.
"Thus, I think we should work out new institutional models of cooperation. We should maximally apply implementation of the programs attached to one another. I am sure that the successfulness of decentralized cooperation is based on corporative participation of communities in the programs. This method will be especially productive in trainings and experience exchange. I think that in this regard it is important to create a unified bank for various initiatives and projects within the frames of decentralized cooperation between the communities and regions of Armenia and France, which will analyze and work out the optimal programs. And in this issue I attach high importance to the role of those French and Armenian organizations which unite communities and regions. I am sure that due to the mentioned approaches and principles we will be able to increase the efficiency of the cooperation", stressed Taron Margaryan and expressed certainty that as a result of the discussions organized within the frames of the conference new approaches will be created which will strengthen the cooperation between the two friendly cities.

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