
The address of Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan on the Teachers’ Day


 Dear teachers

Let me congratulate you heartily and wish you all the best on your professional day, the Teachers' Day
During its centuries-old history our people always treated teachers with special love and appreciation emphasizing their most honorary and respected role in public life. Moreover, for each Armenian the words "teacher" and "parent" often have a similar meaning.
Your contribution to education and upbringing of generations is really significant. Being the former of the national system of values you simultaneously become an important bearer of this system.
In the issue of strengthening of our country and realization of national wishes the work of each of you is equally important. With your personal example and devotion you form the image of the Armenian of the 21st century, of a worthy citizen of our country.
Congratulating you once again on the professional holiday I wish all of you a lot of new achievements in your really important and responsible work.

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