
Thanksgiving diplomas of the Mayor of Yerevan for active participation in “A cleaner Yerevan” project


 For active participation in the activities carried out within the frames of “A cleaner Yerevan” project initiated by Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan from June 22 to August 24 employees of the staffs of the Municipality of Yerevan and the administrative districts, municipality subordinated organizations, members of the RPA faction of the Council of Elders of Yerevan, some state structures, as well as NGOs and youth organizations, representatives of the mass Media, students and entities were awarded with thanksgiving diplomas of the Mayor of Yerevan.
On behalf of Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan the First Deputy Mayor Kamo Areyan thanked all the structures and volunteers joint the project and congratulated those awarded.
"Тhe main goal of the project was to provide care and protection of green public areas by joint efforts promoting this way a cleaner and more well-arranged Yerevan.
Expressing their care and love in practice the participants proved that they may serve as the best example for the next generation", stressed Kamo Areyan.
Expressing gratitude to the Mayor for the attention and appreciation the awardees pointed out the importance of the program and expressed willingness to take active part in all city projects which are implemented for the sake of Yerevan and its residents.
Due to “A cleaner Yerevan” project a number of green areas of public significance have been cleaned up and brought into proper order.
32 NGOs participated in the activities. As a whole 10 thousand volunteers participated in the clean-u[s organized within "A cleaner Yerevan" project.

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