
Armenia EXPO - 2013 Kicks Off


 Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan attended the opening of Armenia EXPO-2013 regional-universal trade and industry fair at the Yerevan Expo Hall.

On behalf of the Government of Armenia and himself, Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan felicitated the participants on the opening of the exposition: “Armenia EXPO regional exhibition has already established a nice tradition. We view it as a platform that will give our country a chance to discover new ways of economic growth, because the companies represented here are coming forth with new ideas, suggestions. In search of new investors, they manage to strike new contacts with foreign firms. This is the right platform to give new energy and impetus to Armenia’s economic development,” the Prime Minister said. He toured the stands getting acquainted with the exhibits.

Armenia EXPO covers the quasi totality of economic sectors. Enabling full market survey, it provides all the necessary information about the existing operators. The expo helps find overseas partners and investors.

The 13-year-old event is attended by over 100 companies from Armenia, Artsakh, Russia, Belarus, Iran, Germany and Poland. Armenia EXPO-2013 will last until September 15.

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