
The issues related to network cooperation have been discussed


 By the invitation of the Mayor of the sister city Carrara, Italy Angelo Zubbani, by the assignment of Yerevan Mayor on August 22-25 the head of the Department of Foreign Relations of the Municipality of Yerevan D. Gevorgyan participated in the annual festival called “Festa de la Bira-September fest 2013”. Greeting the Mayor of Carrara on behalf of Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan D. Gevorgyan conveyed the congratulations and the address of the Mayor to Mr. Angelo Zubbani and the residents of Carrara. Within the frames of the event the issue of network cooperation possibilities between the sister cities Yerevan, Carrara, Grasse, Opole, Ingolstadt within the framework of “Young businessmen exchange” project financed by the CU were discussed.
During the meeting, the Mayor of Carrara, accepting the invitation of Yerevan Mayor T. Margaryan, expressed his willingness to take part in “Erebuni-Yerevan 2795” celebration. Within the scope of the visit the head of the Department of Foreign Relations of the Municipality of Yerevan also had meetingd with the Mayor of Ingolstadt, Germany and the Deputy mayor of Grasse. The first basis of friendship between Yerevan and Carrara was put in 1962. On September 12 1973 a document was signed in Yerevan according to which the executive committee of the City Council of Yerevan and the Municipali Council of Carrara made a decision to strengthen the friendly ties formed between the two cities.
Within the frames of Yerevan-Carrara cooperation on May 20, 1964 the marble monument called “hands of Friendship” were placed in the junction of Teryan and Moskovyan streets. This sculpture was a present from Carrara to Yerevan. In respond the Armenian party presented the Municipality of Carrara a spring-cross-stone made of tuff which is placed in Yerevan park in Carrara. Copy of the spring-cross-stone is also placed in Yerevan, not far from the "Hands of Friendship".

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