
The mini-bus and bus fares in the capital will become AMD 150 since July 20


 The Adviser to the Mayor of Yerevan Albert Gevorgyan and the head of the Department of Transport of the Municipality Henrik Navasardyan referred to reconsideration of the applications applied at the beginning of July by the entities engaged in transport services referring to changing the fares and to the new fare rated fixed by the professional commission.
The applications regarding raising the fares submitted by the entities were based on regular growth of prices recorded in the recent years both for purchasing new vehicles and their spare parts, fuel and lubricating oil which brought to the situation that the companies were working at a loss. So, the fare change proposed in the applications hesitated from 140 to 200 drams depending on the volumes of transportation and other circumstances. The Adviser to the Mayor of Yerevan Albert Gevorgyan said that the professional commission formed on this occasion had a number of discussions with the parsons in charge of the sphere and other pubic and interested organizations.
The head of the Department of Transport of the Municipality of Yerevan Henrik Navasardyan pointed out that taking into consideration the estimates and their justification a unified fare for mini-buses and buses serving the routes in the capital has been established. Thus, the fare for the mentioned transportation means will become AMD 150 since July 20. Referring to improvement of the quality of servicing Henrik Navasardyan said that the fare increase is to make the transport services of higher quality and added that the economy entities will be more interested to import new buses.
By the preliminary estimate another 100 buses will be imported by the end of the year. The head of the Department of transport assured that the improvements to be made in the sphere of transport will be more visible to the residents of Yerevan. It was also informed that the trolleybus fares will also increase since July 20 making up 100 drams instead of 50, and the fares for the Underground will not change.

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