
The eminent composer Raymond Pauls will participate in "Erebuni-Yerevan" celebration


 Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan who is in Riga with an official visit, together with the Honorary Consul of Latvia to the RA Armen Khasaboghlyan, jazzman Levon Malkhasyan and a member of the Council of Elders of Yerevan Hrant Tokhatyan were hosted by famous Latvian composer Raymond Pauls.
Greeting the Mayor and the members of the delegation accompanied him Raymond Pauls first of all congratulated his guests on signing the Treaty on Brotherhood between Yerevan and Riga.
The prominent composer expressed hope that within the frames of the Treaty the existing cultural relations between the two capitals will become closer.
Expressing gratitude for warm welcome Yerevan mayor Taron Margaryan in his turn assured that the mutually beneficial cooperation with Riga has a big potential including the sphere of culture.
Taking the opportunity Mayor Taron Margaryan invited Raymond Pauls to participate "Erebuni-Yerevan-2795" celebration in autumn.
The famous composer accepted the invitation with pleasure and promised to visit Yerevan and celebrate the festival of the city together with the residents of Yerevan.

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