
RA NA President Hovik Abrahamyan Congratulates Charles Aznavour


Dear Mr Aznavour, dear Maestro,

In the name of the RA National Assembly and personally me I have an honour to congratulate you on the 89th anniversary of your birthday.

There is no corner in the world, where your art is not evaluated and honoured, through which you preach all-human high values: love, morality, tolerance and solidarity. They are values, the lack of which, unfortunately, is felt especially in our days.

The Armenians spread all over the world are proud of their Armenian son, the apologist of such values. You continue with dignity the priceless contribution of the great people of our nation to the world civilization.

I record with special inspiration the invaluable devotion of assisting the process of the establishment and reinforcement of our young statehood.

Dear Mr Aznavour, once again I congratulate you, wishing you health and fulfillment of your sacred desires. 

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