
RA National Assembly Begins the Debate of the Issue “On Approving the RA Government Programme”


The National Assembly began the work of the May 20-23 four-day sittings.

Before introducing the agendas of the session and the four-day sittings the President of the National Assembly said that on May 23, at 18:30 on his initiative at the NA Session Hall a debate connected with the rise of the gas tariff would be held in the NA Session Hall, where the RA Prime Minister, the RA Minister of Energy and Natural Resources, the Chairman of the RA Regulatory Public Services Commission and other representatives of the government were invited. The NA President also said that on May 24 at 14:00 parliamentary hearings concerning the steps aimed at the elimination of the consequences of the hail damage.

Before approving the draft law agendas of the session and the four-day sittings the NA deputies by voting passed 8 draft laws debated in the previous four-day sittings. The National Assembly did not pass the draft law “On Establishing Inquiry Ad-Hoc Committee of the RA National Assembly of the Issue of the Substantiation and Legality of the Events and Actions Taken by the RA Police, Special Investigative Service and RA Prosecutor’s Office on the Cases of Ten Persons’ Murders and Causing Gun and Other Bodily Injuries to Civil Persons, Employees of the Police and the Military in the City of Yerevan on March 1-2, 2008.

The National Assembly debated the issue “On Approving the RA Government Programme,” which presented the RA Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan.

The RA Prime Minister answered the NA deputies’ questions, which mainly referred to the economic policy of the Government, the expense of the feasibility and reasonableness of the submitted programme.

28 deputies were registered for exchange of thoughts.

In his speech Mher Shahgeldyan highlighted the programme directions submitted by the Government.

The debate of the issue will continue at May 21 sitting of the National Assembly. 

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