
Message by the RA NA President Hovik Abrahamyan on Family Day


Dear compatriots,

I warmly congratulate you on Family Day.

As a holiday here it is only two years old, instead it has a very rich history and traditions. One of our pillars, the family comes from the depth of centuries as a symbol of house, spiritual warmth, love, respect and fidelity and nation’s continuity.

The family based on mutual love, responsibility and devotion has been and remains the basis of society, the guard of spiritual and mental values, national and cultural traditions.

Family welfare is a guarantee of reliable future for the country and the nation. Hence, support especially to the newly formed, big and needy families, rise of their social protection, creation of the conditions aimed at the improvement of demographic situation serve as a certain problem of our young state.

I once again congratulate you on the occasion of this beautiful and warm holiday. Let love, mutual understanding and trust towards tomorrow be in all your families. I wish you health, happiness, solidarity and welfare. 

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