
Yerevan Mayor had a meeting with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of India to the RA


Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan had a meeting with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of India to Armenia Suresh Babu. Congratulating the Ambassador on assumption of his diplomatic mission Taron Margaryan stressed the present high level of Armenian-Indian relationship and attached importance to strengthening the ties and cooperation with Dehli and the cities of India.
"The Memorandum of Understanding on friendship signed between Yerevan and Dehli in 2008 gives wide range of opportunities to develop cooperation in different spheres, particularly in city economy management, investment programs with participation of Indian party, experience exchange and technical assistance", said the Mayor pointing out the mission of the Indian Ambassador to Armenia and the Armenian Ambassador to India.
Ambassador Suresh Babu congratulated Taron Margaryan on winning elections of the Council of Elders of Yerevan saying that the Indian party is interested in developing the provisions fixed in the Memorandum signed with Yerevan and in taking steps towards implementation of programs of bilateral interest.
"I have walked about the city, got acquainted with it and loved Yerevan. I am sure that due to your consistent work Yerevan will become more attractive both for tourists and foreign investors", said the Ambassador of the Indian Republic to Armenia.
The parties also discussed the issues connected with the construction of a park after India in the administrative district of Malatia Sebastia in Yerevan. Taron Margaryan stressed that with the aim of expansion of green areas in the capital tens of gardens and parks are being reconstructed in different administrative districts, a number of new ones are being built, and in the implementation of such projects the Municipality is ready to show permanent support to the embassy.

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