
President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko started his official visit to the Republic of Armenia


Today, the official ceremony of welcoming the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko, who has arrived to Armenia for an official visit, took place at the Presidential Palace. After the ceremony, the Presidents of the two countries held a one-to-one meeting followed by the negotiations in the extended format with the participation of the official delegations.

In the wake of the negotiations, the parties signed a number of the agreements aimed at the development and deepening of cooperation in a number of areas. In particular, signed were the “Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Armenia and Government of the Republic of Belarus on Cooperation in the Area of Protecting Rights of the National Minorities,” “Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Armenia and Government of the Republic of Belarus on Cooperation and Information Exchange in the Area of Nuclear Safety and
Radioactive Protection,” “Agreement on Cooperation between the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Armenia and Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus,” Memorandum of Understanding on the Development of Cooperation between the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Armenia and Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Belarus, and Program for Cooperation in Years 2013-2014 in the Area of Physical Culture and Sport between the Ministry of Sport and Youth Issues of the Republic of Armenia and Ministry of Sport and Tourism of the Republic of Belarus.

At the meeting with the representatives of the mass media, Presidents Serzh Sargsyan and Alexander Lukashenko made a join statement on the outcome of the negotiations.

Statement by President Serzh Sargsyan on the outcome of the negotiations with the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko


Distinguished Mr. President,
Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am truly glad to welcome the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko in our country. We are meeting regularly with President Lukashenko at the CSTO and CIS Summits, in the past also in the framework of EvrAzEs, and most recently we met at the December Session of the Council of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) in Moscow and before that also at the Summit of CIS where Belarus, in the framework of its Chairmanship, has been implementing comprehensive measures aimed at the further enhancement of cooperation.

These regular meetings allow us to discuss in a working manner and provide solutions to the issues on the Armenian-Belarus agenda. However the high level reciprocal visits remain the main booster of the interstate relations. I would like to once again greet President Lukashenko in Armenia where he is always a welcome guest.

Next month, we will be celebrating the 20th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between our countries. We are approaching this milestone not only with the corresponding level of bilateral cooperation but also with the strong realization that the positive experience of the interstate cooperation acquired through these years is our common property.

We also concur that the future of our relations should be in harmony with our historical past. We passed the hardships of the last century side by side, shoulder to shoulder fought in the Great Patriotic War, thousands of Armenian fell on the Belarus frontlines and hundreds of thousands covered their names with glory. Our friendship is cemented by the blood of our fallen heroes and we ought to preserve and multiply that legacy with care.

We have discussed the most diverse issues: we have spoken about economic and geopolitical issues, humanitarian ties. Naturally, we have also talked about the activities of the intergovernmental commission on trade and economic cooperation which will hold its regular meeting in June. We have also recognized close interparliamentary relations in the framework of the specially formed Armenian-Belarus commission.

Special attention has been paid to our cooperation in the framework of international organizations. We have exchanged views on the development of cooperation in the framework of CSTO, spoke about processes going on at the CIS where we are ready to render the needed assistance to our Belarus colleagues to ensure success of their Chairmanship in the Organization.

I have also presented to Alexander Lukashenko the current stage of the NK peace process. I have underscored once again that the people of Karabakh want peace and opportunity to live freely in their historical homeland. They want equal opportunities will all those nations which have obtained international recognition of their sovereignty. I assured President Lukashenko that our position remains unchanged: we are ready for a peaceful resolution of the conflict.

We have certain and promising programs in the area of economic and investment cooperation, mutual access of the goods and services to our respective markets, cooperation in the areas of tourism, agriculture, culture and science. We see great opportunities in the sphere of high technologies.

I trust President Lukashenko will agree with me that numerous contacts before this visit held on different levels contributed also to the signing a while ago of a weighty package of documents. We anticipate that they will provide the anticipated impulse to the bilateral cooperation. Thus, Mr. President, the visit is timely and is doomed to be a success.

I once again welcome the President of Belarus to Armenia and give him the floor.


In his remarks, the President of Belarus expressed gratitude to the brotherly Armenia for the reception and for the created working conditions. “However I would like to give special thanks for the preservation of memory and history. Indeed, on our land, defending our once common motherland, many brave Armenian soldiers had fallen. You know how much we care for them: Thousands of Armenians living in Belarus today on this issue have never been unhappy with us. Thank you that in these days of celebration of the great victory you’ve reminded us of that too.

Armenia has concluded a very complicated period of presidential elections and your team conducted them creditably and received the unconditional trust of the Armenian people. I wish you success in the resolution of the issues before you, and we are ready to be at your side for the implementation of your ideas and goals,” Alexander Lukashenko said.

He also noted that in the South Caucasus, Armenia is the closest and most important partner for Belarus. Development of multifaceted cooperation with Armenia emanates from the state and economic priorities of Belarus. “Today, we have discussed the entire palette of our bilateral relations, agreed on deepening cooperation between the foreign affairs agencies, parliaments as well as on the mutual support in international organizations.”

Belarus and Armenia are interested in deepening relations in all areas. “There are no closed topics for cooperation; they range from the agricultural issues to the military and technical.”

However in this period, according to A. Lukashenko, the priority is the development of the economic ties and expansion of bilateral trade. “Even though the pace of the turnover has increased, it makes 60 million USD, which is a shame for our people and our countries. I am confident that by the results of our meeting and negotiations in 1-2 years the volume of the turnover will definitely double.”

The President of Belarus proposed to work together on finding those artificial obstacles which are present in the trade of the two countries. By overcoming these obstacles, Armenia and Belarus will be able to considerably increase the turnover. “We need to find new avenues for economic cooperation including joint enterprises, implementation of infrastructure projects, attracting investments and employing the newest technologies. Belarus is ready to create for the Armenian partners the most favorable conditions for investments and establishment of new businesses.

Mechanical engineering, information technologies, pharmaceuticals, agriculture, energy saving, food production – these are areas which have good prospects for investment cooperation. We anticipate dialogue with Armenia and also with the businessmen from the Armenian diaspora.

We are interested in the Armenian expertise in the area of nuclear energy. Our country is constructing the first in its history nuclear power station. Exchange of information on the safe functioning of the NPS, new approaches in the construction of energy units are of great interest. Armenia has profound experience in this area and we hope that you will second prime Armenian specialists to assist us at the initial stage. Toward that end, in the framework of this visit, the governments of the two countries signed the agreement on cooperation.

Bilateral humanitarian relations are also developing dynamically. It is testified to by the intergovernmental agreement on the protection of the rights of the national minorities.

We are pleased with the achieved agreements; the meeting has shown the interest in the constructive cooperation and existence of real prospects for the implementation of the common goals. The negotiations have affirmed that there exists a solid base for the deepening and developing of the Armenian-Belarus dialogue, mutual trust at all levels, from the Presidents and to two peoples,” the President of Belarus noted.


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