
The process of the program of assistance shown to Syrian Armenian families has been presented


During the meeting with the journalists the head of the Department of General Education Gayane Soghomonyan and the head of the Department of Social Welfare Ruzanna Zakaryan presented the programs and anticipated activities directed at showing assistance to Syrian Armenian families by the Municipality of Yerevan.
«Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan always carries out consistent activities within the powers of the Municipality to solve the problems of Syrian Armenian families», said the head of the Department of General Education noting that the working group formed to study and find solutions to the problems of Syrian Armenians includes the Deputy Mayor and the head of the Department of General Education as well. To organize the process of education of Syrian Armenian children, by the initiative of Taron Margaryan "Cilician lyceum" has been opened in the school N14 after Nar Dos since October. It is furnished with necessary school equipment. Today about 320 children attend this school and 17 teachers work there. 231 Syrian Armenian children go to other schools of the capital.
The head of the Department of General Education referring to the issue of testing the knowledge of the pupils of the 4th grade at the end of the year, to the organization of state final exams as well as to the issues of basic education of pupils and distribution of certificates said that active work is being carried out in this direction in teamwork with the RA Ministry of Science and Education.
By the initiative of Yerevan Mayor about 180 Syrian Armenian children of pre-schooling age have been enrolled in different kindergartens of the capital free of charge and out of turn.
Syrian Armenian pupils are actively involved in cultural events as well as in the actions dedicated to state holidays.
On March 20 the project "Cultural spring for pupils" was started and it will go on till June 1.Within the frames of this project the pupils of all schools in the capital including Syrian Armenian pupils will have the opportunity to visit various cultural centers free of charge: theatres, museums, cinemas and concert halls, to get acquainted with national music art and instruments. "The project also includes various mass entertaining actions which are provided in different squares in the capital including Azatutyan square. In the latter, because of well-known events it's not possible to arrange them yet", said the head of the department of General Education.
Referring to the problems of social character of the Syrian Armenian families living in Yerevan and to the actions taken by the Municipality directed at their solution, the head of the Department of Social Welfare Ruzanna Zakaryan in her turn noted that meetings with Syrian Armenian families are regularly held and taking into account the raised questions, solutions are found as soon as possible. "The social problems of Syrian Armenian families are at everyday focus of attention of the Municipality of Yerevan and personally Mayor Taron Margaryan.As a result of activities undertaken jointly with administrative districts 156 families were given moneyed assistance to pay rents, communal bills, to buy medicine and so on. Consumer goods and food assistance have also been provided", said Ruzanna Zakaryan.
Concerning the problem of employment it was said that of 131 Syrian Armenians registered in territorial centers for employment services 41 ones received jobs, another 12 Syrian Armenians got fixed up in a job due to support of the heads of the administrative districts.
The head of the Department of Social Welfare said that the Municipality of Yerevan also shows support to Syrian Armenians in the issue of medical care. Up today 483 Syrian Armenians have applied to the municipality subordinated medical establishments and got free medical aid.
The head of the department also outlined that the best Syrian Armenian pupils of art and musical schools are given free musical instruments, their education fees are paid within the frames of the municipality programs.
Within the frames of New Year celebration by the initiative of Mayor Taron Margaryan New Year events were arranged for Syrian Armenian children at "Mher Mkrtchyan" theater, during which Syrian Armenian pupils and teachers were given presents.

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