NA Vice President Meets with the Students

On March 19 the Vice President of the National Assembly Eduard Sharmazanov met with the students of the Faculty of the International Relations of the Yerevan State University (YSU).
The NA Vice President answered numerous questions concerning the inner political-economic problems of the republic and the foreign policy of the country,
At the students’ request Eduard Sharmazanov, in particular, touching upon the problem of emigration, assessed it as a painful phenomenon, especially in the conditions of present geo-political realities, but at the same time deemed inadmissible making the phenomenon an extreme one and condition it only by the social-economic situation of the country. To his assessment, from now on the authorities should be consistent, multiply their efforts and reach it to minimum with balanced policy.
Eduard Sharmazanov also talked abut inner-political realities. According to him, the existing pluralism in the society is characteristic to the democratic society, but it’s not understandable, when the opposition tries to solve the raised problems without ant argument and political programme. The power, which has shown political will and has organized good elections, is always ready for dialogue. As to the NA Vice President, there are numerous problems in the country, which need solution with joint efforts. It is possible to solve those problems by proposing programmes and calling them into life, but not making emotional announcements.
To the question of one of the students, what are Armenia’s priorities in the foreign policy, Eduard Sharmazanov has noticed that Armenia pursues multi-vectoral foreign policy, being led by national-state interest. According to the NA Vice President, Russia is Armenia’s strategic ally, with which our country has established close relations in the sphere of security. It is the right path for Armenia having external threats, but does not impede also to have serious cooperation with the NATO. “We are an independent state and we cooperate with European countries, the USA, the CIS and many and many countries of the world”, said Eduard Sharmazanov.
In the course of the meeting the NA Vice President also answered other questions concerning the students.