
A regular session of the Council of Elders of Yerevan has been held


Before confirmation of the agenda and starting discussing the submitted issues at the session of the Council of Elders held on March 19, Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan answered the question of the member of the RPA faction Astghik Gevorgyan concerning further activity of book sellers in the underground crossing neighbouring the monument to Isahakyan. The Mayor said that he had had a personal meeting with book sellers and suggested them two alternative areas for further temporary activity: in the underground crossing near Fish store or in the one near Malibu cafe. It was mentioned that not less appropriate conditions for carrying out activity in the mentioned areas are to be provided for book sellers. Moreover, the Mayor suggested submitting variants of other areas to be discussed. One of the areas offered by economy entities is the segment near the fountains at Republic square metro station, but according to the Mayor, this variant is not advisable as in a few months overhauling repairing is to be started in the area and the problem will arise again.
The suggestion of placing pavilions in the area adjacent to Yeritasardakan metro station has been refused by the Municipality. The entities promised to make their choice and inform the Mayor about it. The Mayor noted that the owners of the former area are willing to arrange book selling in the same area after finishing repairing activities, so in the future the book sellers will have the opportunity to return to their former area.
Turning to the items on the agenda the Council of Elders of Yerevan confirmed by voting unanimously the report on Yerevan budget implementation of 2012 according to which the factual incomes of 2012 budget have made up AMD 57247696,3 thousand instead of the planned (specified) AMD 67634655,6, or the program rates were implemented by 84,6 % and in comparison with the planned rate confirmed at the beginning of the year the factual incomes were fulfilled by 89,9%. The total incomes without the means received from the state budget disbursed for the implementation of powers delegated by the state were planned (specified) AMD 43330786,4 for which the factual implementation has made up 91,4%.
The total incomes of the budget collected in 2012 are more than that of 2011 by AMD 609978,7 thousand and the own income rates are more than that of 2011 by 30% or by AMD 4012186,5 thousand. There are no debts left from 2012 budget and all the liabilities taken within factual implementation limits have been completely financed.
Afterwards the Council of Elders approved by unanimous voting for draft decisions on free alienation of a number of flats considered to be Yerevan-owned, as well as on sticking memorial boards perpetuating the memory of the NAS academician, prominent scientist, distinguished worker of Armenian and Russian literary and cultural ties Levon Mkrtchyan and the RA honorary scientist, the correspondent member of the USSR AS, the laureate of state prizes, Doctor of medicine professor Vilen Astvatsatryan.
After the break, during Q&A answering the question of the RPA faction member Anna Asatryan concerning the issue of heating in libraries Mayor Taron Margaryan said that the budget of 2013 has provided corresponding amount of money and at the end of 2013 all the municipality subordinated libraries and other cultural establishments will be supplied with heating.
In respond to the question of the PAP faction member Jivan Poghosyan concerning making the legal status of lands of agricultural significance in Haghtanak village more precise the Mayor noted that the problem is at the focus of the Municipality attention and such problems exist in other administrative districts as well. Referring to the activity of the municipality subordinated kindergartens the Mayor assured that they will go on working free of charge and corresponding financing has already been profided in 2013 budget. The Mayor also gave an irrefragable answer to all the raised questions concerning the activities planned within the Municipality program.

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