
116th birthday of Yeghishe Charents


On March 13, on birthday of Yeghishe Charents by the initiative of the Department of General Education of the Municipality of Yerevan and the house-museum of Yeghishe Charents pupils of basic schools of Yerevan and eminent art workers visited the memorial complex of the great poet.
A wreath was put at the monument on behalf of Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan.
After putting flowers at the memorial Charents lovers recited his poems, then the pupils handed out sheets of paper with Charents’ poems to passers-by.
2012 was a successful year for Yerevan from the point of view of its foreign relations
"2012 was a quite an effective year from the point of view of international cooperation of Yerevan", said the head of the Department of Foreign Relations of the Municipality David Gevorgyan summarizing the foreign cooperation of Yerevan. The largest community of the republic Yerevan has partner ties with 50 foreign cities with 36 of which it has contractual cooperation based on agreements, treaties, programs.

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