
Yerevan Mayor participated in the opening of "A spring tune" exhibition


Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan participated in the opening of the exhibition titled "A spring tune" held in the Union of Artists of Armenia. For the sixth consecutive time at the eve of March 8 the art works of women-painters are displayed at the exhibition. This time 120 women-painters with 140 works of art participated in the exhibition.
The Mayor walked about the exhibition hall, got acquainted with the works, had a talk with the authors and congratulated them.
Afterwards, answering the questions of the journalists Mayor Taron Margaryan noted that giving such an opportunity to exhibit the works of art of women-artists in the approach of the International Women's Day in fact is a special action of appreciation of their work. "This event has become traditional and this in its turn proves that the initiative is successful. Taking the opportunity I'd like to congratulate both creating women and all Armenian women in general on this beautiful festival and wish them happiness and success in all initiatives", said the Mayor.
"A spring tune" exhibition in the exhibition hall of the Union of Artists of Armenia organized due to support of the Women's committee of the Republican Party of Armenia will be open for a week.

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