
Yerevan is the third among the former Soviet capitals with its volumes of landscaping and flower design


During the meeting with the journalists the head of the Department of Nature Protection of Yerevan Municipality Avet Martirosyan introduced the achievements in the sphere of landscaping in 2012 and the plans for 2013.
According to the results of the surveys "Yerevan residents about Yerevan" published by the Armenian Marketing Association and the Armenian representation of the Gallup International Association, increasing of green areas occupies the first place among positive changes made by the Municipality of Yerevan. During the forum of the former Soviet countries called "green cities" held in Kiev on February 21-23, 2013 Yerevan was recognized as the third most landscaped city due to its landscaping volumes and flower design.
Within the scope of landscaping activities provided for 2013 the head of the Department of Nature Protection outlined the expansion of irrigation network. Thus, only this spring 20,7 km of irrigation network is to be installed in all the administrative districts. "By the instruction of Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan, landscaping activities including installation of irrigation networks are to be carried out by the principle of proportionality so that proportional development could be ensured in all the administrative districts", said Avet Martirosyan.
By the Mayor’s initiative tree planting in the capital is organized only in irrigated areas. Another 50 thousand evergreen trees and bushes are to be added to 40 thousand trees planted the previous year. The head of the Department of Nature Protection noted that the organizations and individuals which show willingness to carry out tree planting can apply to the Municipality or to the landscaping company of the administrative district and get corresponding quantity of saplings free of charge.
Avet Martirosyan also stressed that the Municipality carries out everyday work to eliminate illegal tree cutting in the capital. According to the changes made in the RA law “On administrative violations”, the city authorities have been delegated the function of applying administrative fines for damaging or destroying green areas.
Referring to flowering activities Avet Martirosyan said that if in 2012 more than 1 million 800 thousand flower seedlings were planted in the area of 6,5 hectares this year the area of 7 hectares will be flowered with 2,5 million seedlings. The culture of decorative flowering with rich and interesting design started in the capital the previous year will be continued this year as well. The surface of lawns will be increased by 30 hectares. To expand the green areas and to enrich the soil 16 thousand cubic meters of humus, 5 thousand cubic meters of red sand is to be brought from different marzes of the RA.
“Today the Department is working out four-year programs. If now 8sq m of green areas accounts for each resident, in 3-4 years we intend to increase this rate up to 12 sq m. This is big progress and a serious rate which is equal to the rate of the last Soviet years», said the head of the Department of Nature Protection of the Municipality of Yerevan.

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