
The Municipality of Yerevan and "GNC-Alpha" will go on their cooperation in different spheres


The issues related to further cooperation in the sphere of telecommunication were discussed during the meeting of Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan with the leaders of "GNC-Alpha" company.
Greeting the guests and stressing the importance of the participation of private sector in the programs of reforms aimed at the improvement of urban economy management the Mayor pointed out that the Municipality of Yerevan is always ready to discuss and support all the programs which will serve the population and aim at the capital’s development.
"Within the frames of cooperation between Yerevan Municipality and “GNC-Alpha” various projects the successfulness of which is obvious have been implemented. I am sure that our mutually beneficial cooperation will be of long-lasting character involving other spheres as well", said Taron Margaryan emphasizing that "GNC-Alpha" is a good partner for the Municipality and expressed willingness to support further joint projects.
The General Manager of "GNC-Alpha" Hayk Faramazyan, referring to the programs implemented with the Municipality said that presently new packages of mutually beneficial cooperation are being worked out by the company.
"The reforms being carried out in the capital oblige us to realize various projects in social and investment directions. In the nearest future the company provides making significant investments in Yerevan particularly in the field of multilayer Internet, cable television telephone communication services", said Hayk Faramazyan.
Pointing out the efficiency of the projects implemented by the company, particularly installation of optic cable for 70 video cameras installed in the capital, decorative illumination of statues as well as maintenance of free Wi-Fi network in six parks of the capital, the Mayor informed:
"In 2013 we provide to found in Yerevan more new and larger parks which will also be provided with free Internet. This program has caused positive responds of wide circle of the population and a number of proposals have been presented", said Taron Margaryan.
The parties also talked about installation of multilayer Internet in a number of schools of Yerevan and about other projects of cooperation expansion.
We’d like to remind that the creation and operation of "Help your school" project has also been fulfilled within the framework of the cooperation between the Municipality of Yerevan and "GNC-Alpha" company.
Under support of the Municipality a working team will be formed in the nearest future to turn the agreements into practice.

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